Today i had my second major false alarm with the pregnancy. The first one was 3 weeks ago at 21 weeks and then again today at 24. Today was very uneventful, i wrapped christmas presents, had brunch with my mommy, it rain/snowed all day... it was a good day till 2:30 when i was trying to pick up aidan from school. I was sitting there then all of a sudden i had this contraction, this is normal i just wait for them to pass, but this one kept getting stronger and stronger till i found myself panting through it... I brushed it off as the baby stretching during the contraction or something, but there was the pressurey pain in my hips. I went to my moms house and a hour later the pressure was still very much there. I told my mom that i was gonna go home and rest but by the time i got home i was panicing.. Contractions were commin 4 mins apart and the pressure felt like the pressure right before the urge to push... I got home and told my hubby to pack up the kids we're goin to the hospital. We are in the middle of insurance limbo land, my good insurance doesn't kick in till the 1st.. so i call current hospital which quickly says... DON'T COME HERE you need a NICU. So then i think saint mary's or victorvalley has one we'll go there, but my insurance company says i have to be far enough away from Desert Valley (current hosp) in order for it to cover me.... SO what do we do... Drive down the snow infested pass to San Antonio hosp... That should be a good enough distance healthnet... TAKE THAT! All the way there my contractions where comming at exactly 2 mins apart! We were FREAKING. All i could think about was we have no name. This baby may be born today and may only live for mins and it doesn't have a name!
The hospital's great, i didn't even get to my seat in the ER before they had a wheel chair for me. I barely got in bed before they gave me the awesome contraction stopper shot (awful side effects but works like no other) Soon no more contractions and the nurse reassures me that my original thoughts of baby stretching were probably correct. She said i have a hyper active uterus, which is why coffee can put me into labor as it did the first time. She said something as simple as skipping a meal or not getting enough water could do it. Then once i get a couple regular contractions my body starts the whole flight or fight thing and there's no way to stop it other than the awesome shot.... So once again... Kinda embarrassed. Feel like a drama queen. But at least the baby is still cookin!
Summer Fun
10 years ago
I'm so glad you're okay babe! I love you and will keep praying! And maybe PICK OUT A NAME! Love you!
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