Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Black Tears on Monday

I always have made fun of those girls who get emotional with ALL their make-up on and end up with these black rivers running down their checks. I got to be one of those girls yesterday.

Yesterday started out great. We had an ultrasound and the tech gave me as much of a thumbs up as she could without a Dr there to ok it. I got to see my little bug squirming around in there. We didn't find out the sex, Jason wants to be surprised! But after the good came the bad... the dentist!

In mid October i broke a tooth. This caused alot of drama and every single Monday since then (Jason's only weekday off) i have had a dentist apt to TRY to fix it. Last time it hurt so bad it was a 9 on Ali's pain scale my 10 was giving birth without any meds! So i was scared, and he couldn't numb me. I almost passed out in the chair and was shaking so badly that he stopped and said "i can't do this" OMG its never good when your dentist says i cant! SO i cried. I love my dentist, i love him like family... I got crap teeth i see him alot! He said i needed to be referred out. He wasn't comfortable trying to figure out of to numb me. This makes him sound bad but there is way too many details to write all down, he is a saint and the best dentist EVER in my book. BUT like i said i know him and the thought of seeing a complete stranger scared me. So i cried, big black tears. He and his staff help me compose myself, they all know me by first name.
I got to the referral office and gave them my info, they called me insurance and called my back up to the window. At this point the numbness my dentist had given me is QUICKLY wearing off, and i have a hole and almost exposed nerve in my tooth. I get there and the lady says.. i got bad news, you don't have anymore insurance allowance. What??? My other dentist had told me i had enough to cover this... She then said no you have nothing and it will be somewhere around $1100... Sooo that's when the black tears made their selves back down my cheeks in a waiting room with complete strangers. Sorry kids no Christmas this year, Santa doesn't love you, because mom's got crap teeth!!! This is when i called my mommy......

They patched my holey tooth and sent me home and as i left said... "oh yeah Mrs. Whitsell the insurance company made a mistake, it will be covered but because its and emergency we will be changing you $395" I GET to go back on Monday but my Christmas will be okay!