On Wednesday March 18th my parents left on a vacation/business trip after much whining from me. I was quickly falling apart in my 38th week of pregnancy and felt i needed my mommy. On Thursday i woke up and was sore and tired so i decided to get out of my crazy messy house and go put together a bag of tricks for my kids ( a backpack full of little toys and snacks just in case they got stuck at the hospital with me for a while) i came home put the bag together, and took a nap. i woke up having some contractions but they were far apart and irregular. Kendra got HORRIBLE diarrhea from a prune juice mishap (she was constipated and jay and i both gave her prune juice not knowing the other had already) She always hides to do the dooty, usually behind the couch. I saw her hidding and got up to find that she was sitting in her dooty. So i cleaned the carpet and spent the rest of the day bathing her, cleaning her, washing her clothes, and running to the potty with a squirty child.
Jay left for work around 4 and i made the kids tuna casserole. I finished AJ's homework, put the kids to bed and at about 8pm started taking note that my contractions were NOT irregular anymore. Approx. 9 mins apart and PAINFUL, i decided that i can NOT go into labor, my mommy is in Mexico and my husband is at work! I know false labor stops if you change positions, drink lots of water, and eat something. So i did all of that! By 10pm they were 8 mins apart and more intense. I decided it was time to wash the smelly tuna dishes just in case. I call jay and he doesn't call me back... At 10:30 i call my aunt, she may be driving me down the hill... At 10:45 Jay calls i tell him i need him to come home by this time they are 5-7 mins apart and intense! He get home at 11 ish and we wake the kids and put them in the car. I cry all the way down there. My mom is going to miss this. My aunt tries to get a hold of her and she says they can't leave till daylight... My mom is going to miss this... : ( By the time i get there they are a steady 2 mins apart and i am starting to fear a car delivery . I get checked in and settled around 1:40 on the 19th. They monitored me and yup, good contractions every 2 mins. I think because of all the stress i wouldn't let myself relax. My contractions weren't doing any good. They made me get up and walk, even if my mom wasn't there i couldn't go home now. This was happening.
I walked and labored all night. I passed women's rooms who had just delivered. One woman had a used set of forceps sitting on the table, i almost barfed! They finally admitted me at like 6 am. I had said before that i wanted NO pitocin, and try for no epidural. By 7 am i was sooo tired already that i new there wasn't much hope if i didn't get the party started. The night shift nurse said she thought i would have her by noon. My parents HOPED they would be back by 2pm. They are going to miss it! Slowly progressing. I never thought i would like having a boy dr, but let me tell you, MEN have longer fingers and it hurts a WHOLE lot less when they do a vag exam! My sweet Dr came in and checked me. Amped up the pitocin and told me to hang on to my booty. At noon my parents got there. No baby yet! I was still at about a 5. But they were there. At 6 my dr broke my water and i tried for a while to not get the epidural but i failed... It freaking hurts! Shortly after that Karly's heart rate started dropping when i had contractions. We found our selves holding our breath during every contraction. Finally the nurse turned off the pitocin, gave me oxygen and rolled me to the side....
FUNNY SIDE NOTE: when one has an epidural, one looses the ability to discretely pass gas. One passes at the bodies free will and one has NO CONTROL over it!!! i would fart... then say sorry....
At 8 pm my contractions had almost completely fizzled out! I knew i was headed for a c-section! at 8:15 my night shift nurse came in and all but had a fit that i was STILL THERE! She said lil karly was tired of being smushed so lets get her outta there! She amped up the pitocin and i was on my way. My parents tired hungry, and slightly delirious, went to the cafeteria to eat.. i told my husband to do the same, after all last time they checked i was only at a 6. i rolled over and tried to sleep a bit. I started feeling funny around 9:45 I looked at my contractions and they were OFFF FFF FF FFF the chart!!!! I texted my mom ( mom i need you) i was afraid i would throw up and i had no ability to move so i would have to do so on myself! My mom came running back and i told her to tell jay and everyone else to NOT come in my room smelling like food or i would kick them out!... I was sooo nauseated. They called the nurse who brought me these silly little kidney bowls... seriously if i am going to barf i am going to need more then a dixie cup to barf in!
at 10:05 the nurse comes in and checks me... She says your at a 10 but the baby is still very high... lets try some practice pushes then we will sit you up and gravity.... So she kicked everyone out. i had to beg for my parents and his mom... but that saddest part was my aunt who had been there through IT ALL, was there first and paid her dues, got kicked out too...
i practice pushed her right into the birth canal! So i got this baby completely crowing... My mom could see hair... and the nurse says ok that enough i'm gonna call the Dr... WHAT??? THE DR NOT HERE???? WHAT I CAN"T PUSH??? The feeling is like whne you have reallllly bad diarrhea and you sit on the toilet and someone tells you to hold it. There's no way! During the day we had discovered part of the reason for this ever last labor, karly's heart beat issues, and my back pain was that karly was facing the wrong way. Babies are supposed to come out facing the ground or your booty... Karly was sunny side up... face up. This leads to higher risks of shoulder dystocia. Where the shoulder gets stuck on my pubic bone, alot of times has to be dislocated to be birthed. I know i can't push without the dr because of that. But during this time of INTENSE pain my husband was leaning over me and trying to help me breath through the contractions. I feel something that feels like a giant cork screw up in my vajayjay. I figure this was the moment she choose to turn the way she was supposed to. The nurse says the Dr will be there in 20 mins... This is at like 10:10...At 10:40 i was gettin pissed! He came in at 10:45 put on a gown... three pushes she was out! I saw her and cried. She's beautiful. 10:48PM - Karly Jae Whitsell 6lbs 12 ounces 19 1/2 inches- with a small amount of BLACK hair!!!
She's beautiful....congrats!
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